Core Values

Respect begins with believing in your own worth and capabilities, and extends to recognizing and valuing others for who they are. By considering others' feelings, acknowledging authority, and treating everyone with kindness, we build a positive and respectful community.

Our school will provide a safe environment where students exhibit self-control in order for them to enjoy learning without the fear of being harmed by following the school policies: emphasizing the consequences of ones action, imposing discipline on erring students, and communicating/seeking the help of parents in molding their behavior.

Though far from our native land, the school will instill love for one's country and the host country by: integrating UAE/Filipino values, customs and tradition in all subjects, reciting the patriotic pledge and singing the UAE and Philippine national anthem during morning assembly, displaying the UAE/Philippine literature through music and arts, dances, poems, songs, dramatization, and modeling UAE/Filipino costumes during school program and important events of the school.

Recognition of Religion and Culture Diversity
Our school is committed to inculcate among our students the value of respect to one's self and to others by: accepting and believing in their own goodness and capabilities, recognizing and accepting other for who they are, giving considerations to others' feeling, acknowledging and obeying people in authority and treating everyone around them well.